Sunday, March 1, 2009

Can't wait for Easter!

I know Lent just started but I can't help looking forward to Easter! I am so ready to spot sprouting daffodils and forsythia bushes. I am tired of looking out my window and seeing grey, grey, GREY! I must say that we did have a lovely powdered-sugar snowfall yesterday that helped ease the doldrums...especially when I woke up this morning to see the sun shining on it making it look like fairies had sprinkled glitter on it over night!

In my image-googling today, I found some great Easter recipes that I'd like to try! Check out the following:

Easter Bunny Rolls
by Marye at The photo and recipe are from a vintage BetterHomes and Gardens magazine!

Marye also shares her recipe for Resurrection Cookies. Great for teaching kids the true meaning of Easter! Have your Bible handy.

Garrie Rouse posted this picture of his wife Monica's Easter Bunny biscuits. Aren't they cute? He says she uses chives for the whiskers and dried cranberries for the eyes.

Here's one more little photo I ran across that looks like a simple way to morph canned biscuits in to bunnies. I think I'll try it.

Have fun decorating and preparing for your Easter celebrations! He is Risen indeed!

1 comment:

  1. easter bunny rolls! HOW CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need easter bunny rolls even when its not easter...I will have to make these for sure!


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