Did you know that the 12 Days of Christmas actually STARTS on Christmas day??? So really, I can keep celebrating until January 5th!

I just wanted to share some pics of my favorite ornaments from this season.

My sweet angel and blown glass tree topper.

I love these old angels with the china heads, netting, and paper accesories.

This one was a 50-cent'r after Christmas sale item.

This sweetheart is a little german bell covered with a wooden headed felt angel. She was donated to my thrift shop and, because she has all the perfect colors of pink and blue, I snatched her right up and took her home.

I also collect these old '70's items with red and white flocking over a plastic base. This Snoopy is missing one ear but I just turned him the other way. He is so cute. In the upper left corner you can see a bit of a red flocked house that Santa is peeking out of.

This basket of ornaments is another 1/2 price find. Most are marked West Germany. They are a little older than the style I usually collect but for $3.50, was I just supposed to leave the basket at the store?

This is a wreath I made out of all my extra vintage ornaments. (Sometimes you have to buy a whole bagful to get the ONE indent at the bottom of the bag.) I strung them all on a wire coat hanger, leaving the hooked end to hang it. It's a bit delicate. I strung about 65 ornaments but about 4-5 popped off (plink...CRASH). I think it was too packed.

Here is a peek at my attempted village display.

Here is a close-up of my treasured pink santa that a friend gave to me years ago after I admired it.

This is my NEW Nicole Sayre nativity that I got at Mega-Marshalls! I Love it! The colors are beautiful! On the day I bought it, I set it right in the center of my dining table. Later that day, I lifted it to clean the table and Joseph dropped to the floor and I totally broke HIS FOOT OFF! It's made of plaster so his foot really just shattered off, so it wasn't like I could just glue it back on! I'm gonna have to make a new foot with sculpey. My son has it in EVERY COLOR and I use it to fix EVERYTHING I breaK!

This is what I did with my Santa collection this year. I did have it on the buffet but it was so overwhelming I relegated them all to this old bassinette.