Tuesday, May 20, 2014

How to make your own Dog Lift Sling DIY 05/20/14

In July my old golden retriever, "Puppy", will be 14 years old...and that's in "People" years.
 Puppy was the runt of the litter. She had a broken tail, a sprained elbow and tiny back legs when she was born. 

We found homes for all 8 pups but Puppy's new owners said, "Our vet said to 'put her down' so we brought her back like you asked." We had anticipated that. We knew Puppy had problems but nursed her as best as we could.

She grew up very healthy and was able to get around fine in spite of the fact that x-rays showed she had NO HIP Sockets! Her tiny back legs were basically free-swinging when she walked!

I know the name "Puppy" is so lame. Well, we called her that because we weren't sure how long we'd have her and we didn't want to get too attached by giving her a "real" name. So it was "Puppy" from the get-go.

Well, 14 years later... she can hardly get up from a lying position. :( and I needed a little help when lifting her rear up the one step from the garage. I looked on line to buy a doggie-lift harness but some are upwards of $100. 

Here is how I spent .50 cents and made my own. 

Puppy weighs 66 lbs so I got a nice sturdy tote from the thrift store. It's not your cheepo Walmart tote. It's a strong canvas tote with a vinyl coating inside. It has extra strong handles.

I simply cut off the sides.

This is a photo of the sling laid out.

She's really good about letting me slip in under her. 

Then you simply lift as she is pulling herself up. 

You can slide the sling up under her chest or back under her hips to 
which ever area needs help. Drop the handles and she can walk right out of it.

Puppy is an amazing dog and has outlived 6 of her 7 siblings. She is a blessing to our family and we want to keep her happy and healthy as long as we can! I hope this post will help other owners of Senior Dogs!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Church Rummage Sale goodies 05/09/14

It's still been a little chilly in the mornings but that doesn't deter the die-hards. This is a picture of the line to get into Christ the King rummage sale. That's only 1/2 of the line...there were just as many people standing in line behind me!  

This is always a great sale with a wide variety of junk filling the entire gymnasium area. It's mostly "stuff", not clothing, which is just how I prefer it!

They even have a separate "Holiday Room." You KNOW I make a bee-line straight to it as soon as the doors open. How would this church feel if it knew it was contributing to my Christmas "problem?"

Well, here we go.

Lots of goodies for Ebay.

That Christmas birdhouse will be repainted and will be hung in my new garden.

Nice linen Santa dish towel, a knee-hugger w/green mercury picks, an Irmi baby lamp.

Great beaded ornaments, spaghetti Christmas angel, a shiney brite indent, 
and a flocked dancing Santa.

Check out this crazy mercury glass garland! The large beads (compared to the reg. sized ones in the plastic box in the forefront) are threaded on the electrical wire that lights the bulbs in between! Have you ever seen that before?? It's so old that I haven't gotten up the courage to plug it in to see if it works for fear of setting the house on FIRE!

I bought two original Bild Lilli dolls, the precurser to the No. 1 Barbie. They need some work. I dressed them in some great handmade vintage clothes that my MIL just gave me. 

Another Bild Lilli, an uncut big book of SUPER valentines, a really nice small bell jar for crafts.

This is a box of old candle holders to put on a Birthday Cake. 

I love the Goldilocks/3 Bears graphics!

I'm estimating they are from the 1930's or 40's judging by the graphics.

Some empty Small World Avon pins that will become picture lockets.

CRAZY awful beaded ornament but I love it because of the teeny deer
 and the 1/2" bottle brush tree on the pedestal in the center! It's OVER THE TOP!

Remember baking marbles as a kid?? Someone made this little mouse with that method.
 Too cute.

PS- I sold both the Bild Lilly dolls for over $5000! Woot!